Monday, August 31, 2009


Pen sketch of Stephen King when my English teacher was giving a lecture on The Walk, one of Stephen King's books. And on the right is a girl from my past humanities class.

Pen on paper.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ha! Look what I found...

This is a beer logo that I did when I was in school. I remember asking for help in Illustrator from friends on this one (Abraham Zriham) that how you spell your last name? Haha. All in all this logo turned out awesome in my opinion.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Upload way overdue.

Been a while...

Some of these works are part of project that i'm working on and some are just from things that i wasn't able to upload lately.

I kinda slowed down on the updates since I got a new full time job at the Airport's bookstore. Still working on my inconsistencies ...blah. But, with this new project that I have, I've been more active on my drawing and I'm re-discovering myself again.

My love for drawing.

Skull with thorns...i've put this on illustrator and i'm already done with. Not gonna put up the final just yet. Not until the people who have asked me to do them have seen it.

Phoenix... this was difficult for me because i've never really drawn a phoenix before... so many styles of drawing it, too. And it varies from the simplest illustration of it to the most complex. This was a lot of fun to figure out.
This is rare for me...I got into graffiti a while back and i've always love typography, but, now its rare for me to be doing pieces like these...i'm not so good at it, but i love doing it. Font is art to me, no matter what.

Another's off somewhere. The final piece won't be shown here until i show the it to the people who asked me to do this.

Just playing around. Trying to distort the proportionality of the skull.

Pretty lady. I kinda made her a bit older here. Trust me, she's pretty. hehe

This is a view of the Lounge/Bar/Club at the Old Port of Montreal. I drew this at night with just a street lamp as light.

Here starts some of model drawings that I wasn't able to upload from before.

I love the expression on the woman's face when I drew her... can't seem to figure out what it was, though.

I realize things a bit too late sometimes or I learn things a bit later than everyone else...but when I learn them...oh thankful I am to have the gift to appreciate beauty in most perspectives, situations and compositions. But, I will never be content... I will turn the art world over to learn as much as I can.

That's it for now. Any comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.